Tag: Heather Calvert

Horse Podcast Ep 307: Equestrians – Out on the Trail

Equestrians are you ready to hit the trail? Are you prepared if things go sideways with your equine friend? As equestrian adventuresses, we know that adventures are just around the corner.  What kind of snacks are you packing? What kind of safety items are you taking along with you? Did you tell a fellow equestrian where you were going and when you will be back? These are just a few suggestions that we provide in today’s podcast. Because safety first equestrians and don’t forget to have some fun.  

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Horse Podcast Ep 306: Finding the Perfect Horseback Holiday

The best way to discover a country is on horseback! But how to find the perfect horseback holiday, the perfect outfitter and the perfect adventure? In today’s podcast episode we talk about how to find a specialised travel agent or outfitter and how to make sure you the holiday lives up to your expectations!

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Horse Podcast Ep 305: Equestrian Adventures – 2023 Trends

What do you have planned for your equestrian adventures in 2023? Exploring a new country on an equestrian adventure is growing in popularity as a unique and alternative way to see the land. Whether your equestrian adventure is taking you to the countryside or coastline from the back of a horse is the best way to experience it.  Equestrian adventures are not only for experienced riders, many options are now available for beginners, with a combination of lessons and guided treks. When you combine horses, travel, and adventures your trifecta of passions indeed comes together.

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Horse Podcast Ep 304: Everyday Adventures with Horses

Horse adventures don’t always need to be epic but also commonplace and short. It really is the spirit that counts. Rather than always dream about your future long ride, maybe go for a small adventure with your horse. Do a day ride, visit a friend or ride to a restaurant. All of these adventures do not need a lot of preparation, time and training but can be done on a day or a week-end. Surprisingly, most people never think of doing something like this. Today I want to inspire you to do all these small, everyday adventures which are everything but small but in the true Equestrian Adventuresses’s spirit!

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Horse Podcast Ep 303: Celebrate – Over 300 episodes

Join Ute and Heather as they celebrate over 300 episodes of the equestrian adventuresses podcast. The ladies are celebrating episode 303 while they discuss the highs and lows of being a podcast host. They have covered many different topics from destinations, equipment, and health stories.   Help the ladies celebrate this amazing milestone of 300-plus episodes.

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Horse Podcast Ep 302: Preparing for Your Summer Adventure

Have you planned any horsey adventure this summer? With your horse or without? Then this is the time to start your preparation. Get your gear ready, work on your fitness and prepare your horse. Today we talk about our summer adventures and which steps we are taking to get going. If you have not planned anything, maybe this episode can inspire you to go ahead with your own adventure with your horse or with other horses.

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Horse Podcast Ep 301: Ireland- The Emerald Isle Of Horse Destinations

Ireland is my favorite horse-riding destination. From the spectacular beaches to Gallop on, Ireland has something for every horse-loving adventuresses. Ireland is home to some beautiful horses, the Irish cob and connemara can be found on lots of horse farms. Riding opportunities in Ireland including trail riding, jumping even an old fashion hunt can be found. The rural countryside provides a backdrop of stone walls, green fields, and rolling fields.  And not forget those amazing beaches.

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Horse Podcast Ep 300: Horse Destination Morocco

Another amazing horse destination in North Africa has been on Ute’s bucket list for decades. Finally she was able to go there, driving through the central and southern part of Morocco and riding the famous Barb horses. Today she talks about her experience travelling the countryside, famous Marrakesh and driving Moroccan mountain roads with a tiny car.

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Horse Podcast Ep 299: Start Riding – You are not too Old!

You are not too old to start riding, you are in the prime of your life! Have you had this passion for a while, maybe rode when you were younger? You now have the time and finances to purser it.  Being involved in horses improves many areas of our lives. Start riding and you will gain muscle strength, balance, socialization, and the best part starting to ride with do wonders for your mental soul. In today’s EQA # 299 join Heather as she shares some tips on how to Start Riding – you are not too old!

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Horse Podcast Ep 298: Heart Horses

How many heart horses have you had in your life?  Was it your very first horse? or the last one you rode? Heart horses come in many different shapes and sizes, depending on where you are in life. In the book horses in the yard, they are described into five different categories. Hear a snip from the book on the horses that fill our hearts and souls. Join Heather as she shares some stories of the heart horses she has had in her life in EQA podcast # 298. From her first love to the horse that currently holds a spot in her heart.

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